10th-15th November: Ty Newydd course, War and Trauma
27th September: Psychoanalytic Poetry Festival, Freud Museum, London
12th July: Broadcast of Radio 4 programme on the life of Helen Thomas
4th and 5th July: Ledbury Poetry Festival premiere of ‘And You, Helen’. More details coming soon!
2nd June: Senses of Place Poetry Gala, Manchester
10th February: Cafe Writers, Norwich
2nd December: Troubadour, London
12th October: T.S.Eliot Prize Tour, Durham
11th October: Cheltenham Literature, Poetry Cafe
12th September: British and Irish Poetry Conference, Manchester
10th September: Grasmere, Wordsworth Trust
21st August: Ty Newydd, guest reader
13th July: Ledbury
June 26th: Cardiff http://www.literaturewales.org/news/i/143227/
22nd June: Hebden Bridge, Where We Begin to Look: Poetry and Landscape
30th May: Hay on Wye, Hay Festival
21st May: Newcastle University
20th May: London, Poetry in the City
26th April: Bristol Spring Poetry Festival
9th March: Stanza Poetry Festival
23rd January: Poetry London Spring Launch
13th January: T.S Eliot Prize Readings
November 9th: Small World Theatre, Cardigan, with artist Zoe Benbow
October 25th: Liverpool Poetry Cafe, Bluecoat Chambers
October 15th: Manchester Literature Festival, with Paul Farley